About the artist
Océane DECROZE, mom of two, studied art in France since high school and has a Bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts from the University of Sorbonne in Paris.
She is passionate about flowers since ever. She used to work in the cultural sector in public relationships and started painting again in 2020 after the birth of her first child.
Océane has been thriving ever since creating large murals in Cambodia and Europe. Her biggest satisfaction is being able to express herself on very large formats which is why 90% of Océane’s work are murals, but she is also painting on canvas, furnitures, designing prints for fabrics…
She shows in her art her love of nature and Cambodia which has been her home for 6 years now. Her passion for wildlife, greenery and vibrant colors shines through her paintings. The energy and details put in her art are undeniable, it reveals the beauty of nature and how delicate it is to her.